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Creating a Life of Purpose with Scott Maderer

In this episode titled "Creating a Life of Purpose with Scott Maderer," we explore the needed transformative journey to uncover and live out a person's true calling. Author, coach, and John Maxwell Team member, Scott Maderer, shares insights from his new book "Inspired Living," discussing the critical importance of investing in oneself, overcoming limiting beliefs, and the power of habit formation in achieving a purpose-driven life. Maderer’s personal stories and practical advice offer listeners a roadmap to not only discover their unique calling but to impact others positively along the way. Join us as we dive into the strategies and mindsets that facilitate a life filled with intention, growth, and fulfillment, inspiring you to create your own life of purpose.

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What's interesting is, you know, just like there's negative feedback loops, which is what he get into that depression, kind of beating ourselves up going down a spiral. There's also positive feedback loops where you can kinda lift yourself back up too, but you gotta reprogram the script to be able to do that. Welcome to the Christian leader made simple podcast. I really hope this episode helps you learn and master the skills you need to grow your leadership effectiveness. And enjoyment.

Be sure to hit the subscribe button to get notified as soon as I post a new session, so you don't miss a single episode. I'd also greatly appreciate any reviews, likes and shares that you can give me. It just helps me extend my reach to more people. So leaders, I know just how frustrating it can feel when you're in the weeds of work or ministry and life is chaotic. You're struggling to feel effective and you're just not enjoying leadership as much as you could be.

And so to help you, After many years of leadership and executive coaching, I've developed a framework called the Christian leader blueprint that'll guide you to find clarity in your life, in leadership. It'll help you gain a better rhythm of life. It'll help you see yourself more clearly to leverage your strengths, and you'll produce more productive relationships. It's a step by step guide to leadership transformation. And I have that in 2 formats now I have a free short guide that you can find on ryan Franklin dot org, and I have a book, the Christian later blueprint.

And you can find that in any format, including an audiobook, wherever you buy your books. I have a few more things on my website that you may be interested in, just head on over to ryan franklin dot org and check it all out. And now, let's get to our session. So Today, I'm joined by a fairly new friend of mine, his name is Scott Mater. Scott has been on a bit of a mission since 2011.

He's passionately served those who are struggling to, find and live out their calling. To help people align their time and their talent and their treasures, and ultimately, just to live out a life that is truly authentic to that individual. And Scott is a certified human behavior senior consultant and a member of the John Maxwell team And, Scott has a book that's coming out very soon. It's called inspired Living. And Asked, Scott to come on and and answer some questions around his books.

So Scott, I just wanna welcome you to the Christian leader made simple podcast. Absolutely. I'm very happy to be here. Thanks for having me today. Absolutely.

So I mentioned you have a new book coming out. It's called Inspired Living and the subtitle is... Assembled the puzzle of your calling by mastering your time, your talent and your treasures. Mh. And in that book, got you you explore the journey that a person would take to discover and live out a calling, So could you just start by by sharing maybe a little bit about what led you to write this book in the first place?

Sure. Absolutely. I'd be happy to. So, yeah know, I I joke and tell people that this is a a book that took me about 35 years to write. But and and there's really more truth to that than there is joke in that where this came from is a lot of work that I've been doing over the years where both in my own journey in terms of I've, you know, started down this path and I was gonna do a certain thing, and then like a lot of us well, no.

That's not really what I'm supposed to be doing. Okay. Let me go do this. Like, well, that's a little better, but that's still not quite it. Let me do this next thing.

And I think a lot of us go through these journeys where when you look back from where you are today, you're like, oh, I could see god acting. Got God's connect and dots. Here put putting things in my path. But when you're living it, it feels not like that. You know, it feels destroying it.

It feels disconnected it feels like, you know, frustrating, it feels stuck at times. And so I wanted to take what I had worked on both myself and kind of gone through that transition myself. And then now as a coach and the work I've been doing, since 2011 and really it started before that. It just formally started in 2011 with training on on how to help other people reframe get un stock, change their behavior and kind of taking those 2 pieces and saying, okay, a lot of folks aren't never gonna meet me as a coach. They're they're never gonna sign up and and see me as that.

But if I could kind of crystallize some of the key activities, this key mindset, the key principles that I think would help get people moving. Now let me put that in a book and crystallize that for a couple of reasons 1 is, you know, it's accessible to people that may never meet me. But the other is, I think for a lot of us, you know, it's you gotta get started somewhere and and a book is often the place where... At least for me, I found that books are off to the place where I read something is like, okay. Now I at least have a handle to grab a hold of and get started.

At it may not finish the journey, but it begins it. And so I wanted to put the that book together for that that reason. Awesome. Well, I wanna ask you a few questions around it. I haven't completely read the book, but I've skimmed a lot of it and and kinda crafted some questions around it.

And and and you talk about investing in 1 oneself, You know, that's a foundational step towards living out a calling. And and I find that that a lot of people struggle. In this area. You know, they get caught up in the day today and they're so busy and they just struggle to invest in themselves. And and and and So some people would assume that if you're called to something, then your natural ability is just gonna sorta kick in and your ability to to succeed is just gonna happen.

And you not both know that that's not true. Right. So why why is it important? Just talk to that a little bit? Why it important to invest in myself?

Yeah. So investing in yourself has a lot of different layers or meanings to it as well. And and some of it is... Know, that self development piece in terms of taking that skill that you already naturally maybe have some gifting for some some bent towards, But then it's... How do you actually make that into something that serves others.

And I'm not even here talking about, you know, it could be starting a business. It could be... But it could be a recall. It could be something you do, You know, you may have a career over here and do all your work and get paid and do this stuff and yet this is your calling and it plays out a different component of your life. I'm I'm a firm believer in recognizing that we don't have to have our career or calling, You know, those are 2 different things.

We get never an assignment or career, we have our calling. They're connected, but they don't necessarily mean the same thing. So And so for a lot of us it's spending that time to to put some time and energy into not just doing it, but getting... Better at it and or learning how to use it in a way that, you know, as a as a believer that serves others in a way that builds up the kingdom, You know, that builds up Mh. Other Christians on their walk that reaches out to people who maybe have never even heard the word and and introduces them.

You know, the the loving service is fundamental to that. And the truth is you can't do that well until you both have the skill set and the investment in terms of that. But the other way I talk about investing in yourself is really, you know, know thy myself is kind of the other way to put it. And that I think a lot of times, we're blind. To the very gifting God has given us because we've never stopped to think about it.

Yeah. You're... Like you said, you're so busy just living the day day just Know. I get up. I go to work.

I I come home. I got family time. I do this. I do that. I go take the kids to school, take the kids home, take the kids to the baseball game soccer day.

And you never actually sit down and spend some time to think about and create some white space around no wait, what what should my life look like? What really am I being called to do? How am I being called to serve others? And we kind of instead of living life intentionally and and with design, we live life just kind of by accident and on, you know, habit by by just road, just action, And again, I'm not beating anyone up because I think we've all been there and and spent time there, but you've gotta step back from that and spend some time doing what I call the deep work, the hard work, you know, of, wait, what am I supposed to be when I grow up? And and by the way, you could be 65 years old and still asking that question.

There's nothing wrong asking that question. True. And can you kinda reinvent yourself as you go through it. Because the truth is, I think calling to the other mistake we make with... Around calling is we hear it as if it's the destination You know, I have arrived.

I've discovered by calling. It has come down from on high, and I have this wonderful, you know, light beam from And I think of calling more as a journey than the destination. I don't think we ever really get all the way there. At least on this side of, you know, On this side of heaven. Right?

You know, maybe We come to our full realization in in in that end times. But but right now, it's always gonna be imperfect because we live in an imperfect world, and and I don't think we're perfect people, but it's on towards that journey of getting closer to it every day, moving a little bit further along. And that only happens not only by asking yourself that question once? What am I supposed to be me when I grow up, But you kinda almost have to rinse and repeat and and re ask it and relearn it. So investing in yourself, the other factor that's important to realize.

It's not it's not 1 and done. Sounds like you do this 1 time it's like, yay. I've done it. No. No.

No. No. It's an ongoing throughout your life always constant learning and growing or else. You're not really you're not really fully living out the calling. Yeah.

Which it's it's sad. When you find that 60 something year old that has never felt like they've lived out that calling. And I and I know it to rinse and repeat, and you... And we have to continually reevaluate, shift things, you know, look at where our life is to and and make those adjustments. But what's really sad is when people live a majority of their life and and they really haven't felt like they've been in touch with that calling.

And so that's part of your... That's part of your mission. In your book and then your in your your company that you... That where you... You're coaching and and where you serve people.

You also talk about limiting beliefs, and you've kinda dabble in that just a little bit as in those first couple of questions. But what is specifically limiting beliefs? And what are some of the detrimental effects that we could have on those from from having limited beliefs and What's a process of sort of kind of, or or maybe some first steps in overcoming those limiting beliefs. Kind of a 3 part question. Sure.

III can absolutely tackle that. So liberty beliefs are, know, definition. Right? And I'm a I'm a huge believer in trying to define terms. So to me, how I define it is, they're those those voices in our heads, those those lit that we have.

Sometimes that we actually can articulate and put into words and other times it's just sort of, you know, that vague feeling that has a tendency to tell us, you know, you're not good enough. You can't do that. You, you know, who are you to do that? It's the impostor syndrome. It's the...

Know, man, if they ever figure out that I really stink at this, they're gonna fire me in a heartbeat. You know, when you have that kind of thought. It's all of those things that show up. You in our head in our mind and in our heart that are holding us back from act truly doing the things that we need to be doing. Now, here's the interesting thing.

I I once had the pleasure of teaching and, I was in a room full of about 506 hundred entrepreneurs. These are all highly successful folks. These are all folks running businesses, you know, most of them were a million plus, 2000000 plus, multiple employees, you know, by all indicators, everyone would walk into that room and go. These are some successful people. You know, these are men and women who are doing well.

And I I stood in front of the room, and I said, okay, how many of you have a a voice in your head that talks to you, you know, either verbally or or in pick... Or however it is, but you... You've got that thing in your head that talks to you. Every hand went up. Right?

Because we all have it in some way shape or form. Cheers every hand went up. And I said, now, keep your hand up if the voice is nice and every hand went down. These are folks that by all measures should be able to look at themselves and say, I'm doing okay. You know, I'm I'm I'm I'm...

This is a good life. And yet all of them still had that voice in their head telling them. You're not good enough. You're not successful yet. And and sometimes it's a drive and a quote, good way.

And I'm gonna put that in air quotes because it's really not good, but it... Yeah. I'm a worldly measure, it feels good, You know, that Okay. You're always driven to do more because you're... You're not feeling like you're enough yet.

But, you know, the truth is, I believe that, you know, by grace, we're all enough. You know, not by anything we do. We don't earn it, but it... It's there for us. And so it's this weird thing of sitting down and recognizing that those voices, those mess to just, sometimes they come from things in our childhood.

Sometimes they come from from the voices of, you know, that person that we met that really wasn't that important to us, but they had an impact on us, a a teacher or a friend or somebody else, which say Scott, if you don't mind interrupt in here, would you say sometimes. Sometimes it's not really even bad. Beliefs. It's just it's just, maybe less than or or, you know, as as the as the word says limiting. Right.

Yeah. Good good and bad, and and I... I'm using the frame bad, and and you're right. I should clarify that. Because good and bad here is not relative in terms of the value of the statement.

Good and bad here is in terms of whether or not it's helping you move forward or holding you back. You know? Really limiting, and you're right, the word is limit for a reason. It It holds you back from achieving all that you know, you're meant to achieve, all that God has put you on the planet to do. And 1 of the activities that I have folks do and this is a simple 1.

Anyone can do it. Is just as you begin to... As those spots come up, you know, as you begin to hear them, as you begin to feel them, Just jot them down on a sheet of paper. Just take a sheet of line sheet of paper, and write them down the left hand side of the page, you divide the page in 2. And then what you can do is take each of those limiting beliefs and reframe it into what I would call an enabling truth.

So you know, I'm not good enough becomes, well, by the grace of God. I I don't have to be good enough. I'm already good enough. You know, that kind of thing. So you can reframe them in some sort of of more positive language.

And then act actually fold that sheet of paper so that the limiting beliefs are hidden and the enabling truce are the ones that you can see, and just start reading them every morning. So that instead of what you begin to do is program your mind so that when that limiting belief shows up, your mind almost immediately answers with the other half of the statement. You know the... I'm not good enough. Oh, yes.

I am. You know, kind of... And it it almost because that dialogue of answering yourself, and over time, that begins to move you that way. Go ahead. Yeah.

I was just gonna say another thing that I've done in the past with some of my clients. A is have them list out scriptures as well. Like, that would Come combat those limiting beliefs. And and it's amazing how that create sort of a mismatch experience for that person. If they're if they're not good enough, like you said, there's their scriptures plenty of scripts that will tell you that you are.

Right. And Yeah. And and it it is a matter of of programming, you know, the script. And and kinda reprogram the script. The the the the term for that when you kinda have that mismatch is cognitive dissonance, which just as a fancy way of saying your brain is going wait a minute.

That's not right. You know, you, there's enough of your brain to kinda stop and go, wait. Is that really true? And a lot of times, that's what you're trying to do is just interrupt that flow. I use a breath prayer, you know, where I I pray...

Unspoken under my breath as I breathe in and breathe out. And that's 1 of the ways I interrupt those thoughts. You know. There's all sorts of different techniques, you know, the reason meditation is useful is is it kinda teaches you had a quiet your mind and bring it back down to that calm spot. And and interrupt the flow of those thoughts because what's interesting is, you know, just like there's negative feedback loops, which is what he get into that depression, kind of beating ourselves up going down a spiral.

There's also positive feedback loops where you can kinda lift yourself back up to, but you gotta reprogram the script to be able to do that. So before we continue on with the podcast, this episode is brought to you by Christian leader. Community coaching. Are you a Christian leader who is overwhelmed by the complexity of trying to figure out how to grow your team. I wanna introduce to you our Christian leader community coaching program.

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So, Scott, is that, you you mentioned in your book hacking the habit loop. Does that have anything to do with that as well? It's related, it's a different, a different framing of it, but they're there's similar concepts and that So habits right or anything that we do just kind of without thought by repetition. And mh what a habit loop is is, again, you know, science, it's kind of framing of it, you have a queue that's something that triggers the habit, then you have the habit, know, the behavior, the thing you do then you have a reward. You know I walk into the kitchen.

I see the cookies, and I grab a cookie. I ate the cookie, I enjoyed the cookie. You know, there... There's a habit your queue, walk into the kitchen. Habit it, grab a cookie, eat the cookie, reward, taste of the cookie, You know, cookie good.

Right? So you kinda have those sorts of behaviors, Well, the interesting thing is, you can break those habits, but you need to identify the parts because if the queue is, I walk into the kitchen and see the cookies, move the cookies. You know? Hide don't cook the cook. Don't pie the cook.

You know, whatever, but get the cookies out of sight, out of mind You know, maybe you don't live in the home alone and if you got rid of all the cookies, you'd be in trouble, cookies Okay. Great. Then just put them in a, you know, put them in a bag where you can't see them, You know, that kind of thing. You're beginning to interrupt. Again, that same sort of pattern.

In this case, it's focused on a behavioral pattern, rather than a an internal script pattern, but it's the same concept of once you identify, you know, what's the trigger, what's the behavior? What's the reward? You can begin to kind of manipulate those different parts. You can either link the trigger to a different behavior or to a different reward, it would... Which now changes what you do.

You know So instead of You see the cookie and instead of grabbing the cookie. You technically could grab a bunch of grapes or a banana, you know, if... But again, that takes a little bit of work an effort and power and setup up. You actually have to go through the process of making it available and easy. So I talk a lot about friction versus smoothness.

You know, what we wanna do is put friction around things we don't want to do and make smooth the things we do want to do. You know, make it easier to grab the banana than to grab the cookie. All of a sudden, you're more likely to grab the banana. You know, if that makes sense. You Yeah.

Absolutely. So you also talk about... Quite a bit about investing in others, and this being a vital step as well towards fulfilling a calling why is it important in your mind? And and what does that look like even? Well, you know, first off, 1 of the reasons is I think we're called to serve others.

Period. You know, That love love others as as you would love yourself, love others as you love God, you know, it's all connected. Right? Period So Yeah. Part of it is just that idea of, I think service to others is a form of showing love.

Now, pragmatic, there's also a reason. Again, if if all you ever did was invest in yourself and build yourself up and learn more about yourself, 2 things happen, 1, by not ever going out and investing in others, you never get any feedback from others who are also walking and discovering and learning and built that comes back to you that either tells you you're on the right track or lean into this more or lean into that more. So often where we hear the voice of, our belief showing up is out of community. I believe we aren't meant to walk through things alone. We're went to walk in community.

And so some of it too is that pragmatic need of Actually hearing the voice of other people that begins to reaffirm to you. Yes. This is the right track. I should lean into this more, or, I shouldn't. It it creates a situation where instead of being a reservoir and just, you know, storing it all up for yourself, which I, you know, passage about that 1 too.

You know, we move over here and we actually begin to pour it out into others, which then turns around and comes back to you in the form of lifting and building you up. So it's... Again, we're back to that positive feedback loop situation, If you just spent all of your time investing in others, Not healthy. But if you also spend all of your true investing in yourself, that's not healthy. You've gotta have that ability to kind of do both of those things to really begin to make an impact and develop your influence and the the other things I talk about.

Yeah. It's sort of, is the biblical perspective of loving yourself, but also loving others around you. Would you say that that would impact our emotional energy and our motivation to Mh. Get up every morning and do the things that we do. It gives us a purpose to even invest in ourselves when we're investing in others.

Would you say that is correct. Absolutely. Absolutely. You know, that's the positive feedback loop. It's...

Yeah, out of the voice of others is where I begin to... Both hear affirmations. And, you know, and by the way, let's be truthful and honest. Sometimes you hear really negative things too from other people. Yeah.

But it also learns... It it it helps you learn how to navigate that and and work through that because the... Joe, again a lot of the folks listening or pastors. You know, III preach a lot and and a lot of different churches and and it's always interesting the feedback you get. You know?

Because Sometimes unintentionally, people give you feedback that it's like, wow. That was really not nice, But, okay. You know. And they... You know, and III usually...

I... I honestly truly believe most people don't mean it that way, but it still comes across. And so you have to learn how to take that and and accept the feedback for the feedback. That it is and and learn from it and grow through it, but also not let it be the thing that defines who you are and what your worth is and all of those other things because that You know, you're worth... Your your your worthiness is not found out of the words of others.

But often out of the words of others is given you direct, and and energy and and that ability to lean into and and find that purpose that that is where your real worth and connection comes because that's actually what connects you back back with the spirit. Absolutely. It's it's the Lord designed it that way. He designed it From so that we would need him first and foremost and and primarily, but he also designed it where we need others in our life, and it's not it it it could be serving others, but it's also fulfilling like you'd had mentioned, you know, we're receiving those key relational nutrients in our life of of acceptance and, you know, validation and encouragement as we're living out our calling and right and serving others Absolutely. So, Scott, you transitioned from a career and or potential career and biochemistry and genetics to becoming a teacher.

And that's quite a jump, and I'm sure that this had something to do with your calling, tell us more about that. And if you don't mind, just tell us more about that. Sure. So you're right. My...

I actually went to to college and got a degree in Bio and a second degree in genetics and was doing medical research work. And always through high school, my thought was I was gonna go on. I was gonna get an d, I was gonna get a phd, and I was gonna do research. Well, as an undergrad, I actually started working in labs and doing research work, and I figured out real quick that, you know, it turns out that about 90 percent of the time and effort was spent finding grants and finding money and about 10 percent was actually doing the work. And quite frankly, that didn't connect to me in a way that I felt was authentic to what I want...

When I said I wanted to serve others and make different people's lives, this didn't feel like it, you know, anymore. And so I pivoted. Like you said, I became a school teacher, and I went through a program that they have here called alternative certification, so I didn't have to go back to college and get a degree in education. I could do it with the science degree I had. And I began to teach sixth grade, seventh grade, ninth grade, tenth grade, eleventh and twelfth grade over a 16 year, you know, period of of being a teacher.

I loved teaching. You know, it was, again, it moved me in a way that began to connect more with what I felt I was supposed to be doing. What I felt was serving others. I love pouring into the kids. I love building them up.

I love that that mindset of of coming in, and not even just the the curriculum or the what you were teacher, but just the, you know, helping them deal with the fact that they had a bad day or that you know, sometimes, you know, guess what, it turns out that, you know, that other person said being thanks to you, and how do you get over that? And, you A lot of what I was doing you know, was aligned to what I now do as a coach, but I didn't realize that at the time, and I was developing some of those skills. So it was very fulfilling, but teaching is also emotionally draining, and to me, teaching is also a lot of hours for very low pay. And eventually, I just that... The pieces of it I loved, were still there, but I wanted to do something else that kind of, began to move into other areas of my life as well.

So III left teaching after after 16 years, to go into it, and I went into the corporate world for 11 years before I started the coaching business. Yeah. And so we as you as you made those transitions through those particular, you know, from teaching to corporate to what you're doing now. You were essentially, you know, living out your time, talent and treasure as you were and just kinda fine tuning, you're. You're calling as you as you went?

Would you say? Or was it a calling saw a shift? How how do you explain that? Yeah. So the fundamental calling to me was still the same.

And that what I love to do is... Help other people get on stock and move forward and discover what they're supposed to be doing. How I was doing it. The assignment was different. So even when I moved in the corporate world, you know, I started out, I was just a line worker, you worked in a cubicle, did all of the stuff.

But I pretty quickly moved my moved up into senior leadership, and my job was to develop other leaders in the company. And then also to work with clients and kind of do that part of the work. Well the developing other leaders part, man I love that part. Working with the clients part the being on a plane being in a hotel room doing all of those sorts of things. Yeah, it was fun, but it wasn't, you know, it really wasn't the part of the the job that fed my soul.

And so a lot of it is spending the time to look back on it and go, hey, in the teaching. What were the things that I was doing in teaching that weren't just the things I like doing, but were the things that gave me energy and fed my soul. Because here's the truth. You know, I don't care what you do or don't do. There's always parts of everything, every relationship, every job, every whatever.

There's some stuff that you gotta do just because you gotta do it, and it's not fun, and you don't... You know, somebody's gotta still do the laundry, You know that kind Right. You know. It's still gotta get the... So there...

There's always that part of your life. So it's it's not that. It's not about... In your... If you do your calling everything is perfect.

But I was finding, okay. These are the parts that I really liked in teaching, when I do the corporate job, there's overlap. These are the things that really gave me energy and fed soul. How can I do more of that? Well, that's where the coaching business was born from, because the coaching business is probably 80 percent that, You know, where the other jobs, it was more like 50 50 or 60 40 kind of things.

So it's it's less of the calling has fundamentally changed 50 and more, as I was doing it, I was developing both the knowledge of what was the things that fed me and and fed soul. I also was developing skills and abilities and talents and education. I was investing myself that let me do more and more of it and get better and better at it. And then, eventually, it moved into, you know, its current expression. By the way, I don't know that this is the last thing I'm gonna do.

I I wrote the book. This is the first book I've written. I'm already working on a second 1. I kinda like writing books. I didn't expect to like write a book, you know, but it's...

That may be a different expression in my life. So The calling continues to kinda be expressed in different ways, but the fundamental calling, I think was still the truth the same. Well, and I... And I also hear... Not just expressed in different ways, but also sort of fine tuning your actual work, into, you know, I guess, positioning yourself where your work, more aligns with your calling.

I'm a, like, as a... Teaching as a 6 sixth grade or teaching sixth grade science, you're... You know, that still feeds your calling. Absolutely. But coaching individuals coaching leaders, I would say probably fulfill your calling even to a higher degree.

Absolutely. Would you would you say? Yeah. So each step of the way you've sort of fine tuned and and moved more towards a a job that... Truly engages your calling in a in a much, much greater way.

Mh. So what would you say or or would you have any recommendations for somebody, you know, a listener maybe that is transitioning that would love to transition from a job... That maybe they're going to. It's a it's a 9 to 5. They find some things that are in it that are fulfilling, but it's really not it's it's un fulfilling, you know, the majority of it, and they just wanna...

They wanna transition to to something that engages their calling. In a much greater way, something that they love to do, what recommendations or advice would you give that person? So the first thing is realize that there is no 1 perfect answer for everybody. And this is 1 of the reasons that I do a lot of 1 on 1 coaching because they answer to that question of how do you make that transition. Pretty complicated in that.

There's gonna be a lot of variables. You know, there... It's real different if you're... You know, my son is is 21, single, no real commitments, you know, has an department has a job. If he wants to change jobs, Yeah.

There's some logistics behind it, but it's not really that big of a deal versus. You know, a 42 year old Married, 3 kids, mortgage, Yada yada yada. Right? So there's there's no 1 size fits all. This is the perfect way to do it.

But in general, some of the frameworks that you can think about is You know, first, do that work that we were talking about earlier of sitting down, and this is 1 way to do it. Just sit down and and brainstorm, all of the different stuff you've done in your life. Activities, relationships, doesn't just have to be jobs, can be other components, You know, volunteer or, whatever, you know, as broad as you can and start looking for patterns in terms of what are the things that give you energy? What are the things that you love? What are the things that that feed your soul?

And then look for patterns of what are the things that don't? And then begin to think about, you know, what what is it... What do I need to do more of that lets we do more of that? Less of that, you know, and create that in your head of what does it kind of look like? Once you've got that picture and realize by the way that where you end up is not going to be the picture that you have right now, it's going to change.

That's okay, but begin to run experiments, begin to find a way to test it, begin to find a way to go out and do it on the side or do it as a volunteer or do it part time, do it small, and test, it. And get feedback? That's the investing in others? Find out, you know, hey, does this make an impact for others? Do others value it?

You know, does it... Am I right? Is this really the thing that's speed my soul am I off track here. And as you begin to get that direction, this is just a matter of kind of beginning to put together a plan so that you can transition from what you're doing today, more and more towards what you really are more in alignment with your calling Now again, that plan can be pretty simple. Put my job and go start it, you know, it can be very complex, Build up.

6 months of reserve, maybe pay off some debt, do some other things because of needing, you know, to provide for family and have safety and security and that kind of thing. But regardless of which situation you're in, once you've kind of got that direction first, then the plan part and the execution part, That's a lot easier, but the direction is the to me the the hard. That's the hard part. Mh. It's creating.

It's creating a vision or a picture of what you're gonna of what in a perfect world that you would move towards. And again, it's never a perfect world. There's always dynamics that are involved. But at least, that gives you something to to begin to move towards. Then you can move and I will say I will say this in my experience of of coaching people.

Not everybody is good at vision. Absolutely so It's... I would say probably in in the assessments that I do with with leaders. I'd say probably... It's pretty well split of a 50 50 of people that are good with vision people that are not.

Even even really good leaders, sometimes need people to help them of find vision. Absolutely. And and so to find vision personal vision for your life and what that looks like, sometimes it's it's a process and you need help a lot of times. So that's where a good coach can come in. You know, a a group of people that may, you know, like minded and going down the same journey as you are, you know, For a mastermind mine.

There's. Lots of different avenues. Yeah. Exactly. Exactly.

To to help you kinda 0 in on that vision. And and that vision can evolve as you as you get going, but you gotta have something to move towards something to get your wheels turning in a particular direction. And then, you know, you and the Lord and people around you can help, shape that and direct as as it goes. Right Yeah. The analogy I use the subtitle of the book.

Right? Is, you know, symbol the puzzle of your call. And the reason I use that analogy throughout the book of assembling a puzzle is, you know, first of all, we think about putting together a jigsaw puzzle. Right? That...

That's a thing. Here's the challenge when it comes to our life and our calling being that puzzle. First off, the picture on the box changes over time. You know? So you start the puzzle and it looks like this and then somebody new comes into your life And, oh, wait.

Now that that picture looks a little different. You know, maybe now the picture has kids and before it didn't or, you know, that things changed or you have to, you know, you move or whatever things change in that picture changes. Beyond that, not only does the picture of the box changes, what puzzle pieces you have in the box changes over time too. Sometimes you open the box. Just like, I swear there was a corner piece in here.

Where to go. You know? It's like, somebody move the pieces. Other times it's like, you opened up the box and it's like, wait. Did somebody else dump just another puzzle in my puzzle because all of a sudden I got pieces and I don't even know where they came from.

You know, It... Because it is a dynamic journey and a and a dynamic situation, You know, it it isn't. It isn't as simple as even just putting together a jigsaw puzzle It's putting together a jigsaw puzzle, and you don't always have all the pieces. Sometimes you have too many pieces. The picture on the box is changing.

And that's really why sometimes having somebody walk with you, you know, having a great coach like yourself and having somebody who can ask you those questions and help you articulate, you know, what is the real why behind this? Why am I why am I feeling that way. Why am I thinking this way. What am I trying to accomplish? You know, what what what is being spoken to me can be so helpful because this You know, it isn't...

It it isn't an the easy process. It's a it's a dynamic process, and it it takes it takes time and energy to go through it. Yeah. So, Scott, you you have a very specific process that you teach to help others really dive into mastering their time talents and treasures. Can you just briefly share what that looks like.

So I have a couple of different things that I use with people to obviously depending on on where where they're struggling. But 1 of the... 1 of the frameworks that I I teach folks when they're when they're executing on things, when they're they're trying to figure out you know, am I spending my time well? Am I spending my money well? Are things moving the direction they should to allow me to do the things that I'm called to do?

Is this idea of, you know, making... We're kind of touched on in a moment ago, but but kind spell it out the rest of the way. Know making a plan, having that direction, having the thing that you're going to begin to to work on and to execute on. That's the next step. Go execute on it, go do something.

I like to think of these as experiments, again, I'm a science teacher. So the idea of running an experiment means I I don't really care what happens. I'm just getting data. And that frees me up to go ahead and try things. Right?

And and do something that maybe is a a little bigger or a little bolder than I would have otherwise done. Because, you know, hey, if it doesn't work. I just found out what doesn't work. You know? So it's all good.

So you kinda begin to execute on it. Now most people are pretty good at some level on those 2 things. You know, we set goals and we often execute on the goals at some level. Here's where the the kicker comes in. You've gotta actually stop after you've executed and you've got a review and reflect on what happened.

So review is just what happened? Just the data, You know, did it work? Did it not work, what did work? What didn't work and reflect is what would I do different? What would I not do different?

You know, what would Double down on? What would I lean more into? What would I pull away from? And then you actually wanna revise and repeat? Which means go back to that plan and go, okay.

Now let me change it. Let me do it again. The idea is to make yourself get incrementally better over time, And in any area of your life, you know, again, I spend most of my time on time talent and treasures. That kind of framework. I...

I'm a big believer in frameworks because frameworks kind of a always supply where a specific tool or technique, might work for 1 person and won't work for somebody else, but the framework can apply in all situations Mh. Of of sitting down and going, okay, hey, You know, I'm not using my time as well as I should. By the way, I give you a quick trip, you know, technique to find out if you're using your time. The way, you really should. But when you identify that, Okay.

What am I gonna do different? What's the plan? How do I execute on that and then move through it? Now, again, throughout all of that process, This is where oftentimes having accountability partners having other people pulled into the process can help actually make you follow through on it. That's the kind of difference between something that you really do in a new Year's resolution that you're done with by February, because you've quit, you know, it...

It's that kind of part of it. But it's that idea of, you know, make the plan, execute on the plan, review and reflect on it and then revise and repeat so that you go back through it, and constantly get a little bit better, because here's the thing. If you're getting just 1 or 2 percent better every day and you're astronomical better at the end of a year. You know, exactly. Compounding behavior, works the same way compounding interest does and money or compounding interest does if in debt.

You know, those are... Positive or negative, but that idea of just... It keeps growing over time. Same thing happens with behavior. If you can just incrementally make the behaviors better each and every day than you actually end up millions of times better than when we try to do things in these quick sudden changes that don't actually stick.

Absolutely. The 1 percent bladder. Absolutely. Mh. Yeah.

So Scott as we... As we wrap this up and and come to our final couple of questions. I just wanna ask if there... If you have any final advice that you would like to. You have our listeners.

Maybe maybe there's some people that, are listening that feel stuck in their journey, haven't truly found their calling, You have any final advice for those individuals? So I'll give you, 1 of the things that I tell people is, I'll, I Find myself saying this a lot is, we'll, we come to things and we look at it and we say, what what makes us feel stuck. Know For me, a lot of folks come to us and say, you know, I don't I don't have enough time, or I don't have enough money. Time and money are both finite resources. So it turns out a lot of the ways we view them in a lot of the ways we act around them are actually really similar in a lot of ways.

That's 1 of the reasons. Kind of easy for me to work in both of those. And and we find ourselves saying, I don't have enough time. I don't have enough money. First off, it's 1 trick and realization is you don't actually have a time or a money problem.

You have a talent problem because how we handle our time and how we handle our money is actually all about how we handle ourselves. It's it's actually a me problem. It it's your... Both the problem enter the solution. You know, Because the only way to have time and money behave right is by having you have the right relationship with time and money where you're looking at it and you're steward it well and you recognize that, you know, hey, this isn't mine.

This is I'm just here to manage it, and I've got that mindset of what am I... How do I best manage this? You know, how do I turn this into a resource that really bless others, bless myself and bless the kingdom. And once you kinda have that... Framework.

It it begins to help you look at it different and and recognize that the the time of the money is really the symptom, not the problem. That also means that you've got the solution right there within you as well. Yeah. We're both the the problem and the solution at the same time... Absolutely.

But Mh. Yeah. So last question here, and this is something that asked all of my guest, it can it can be related to this subject, but doesn't have to be. What's 1 thing that you wish that you could tell your younger self, Scott, You know, that... I...

I've been asked that in different ways over the years. And I've really tried hard to to have a life where... I don't look back on things with regret. I I look back on things and go, yeah, There's things know, there's lessons I've learned from it because, I kinda like who I am today, didn't always like who I was, but I kinda like who I am today. And so some of that stuff I went through that was bad.

Got me where I am today. But what I've always said I would tell my younger self is really, you know, just lean into it and enjoy the process, enjoy the journey. Mh. I think Yeah. All too often, you know, I'm a very high detailed type, you know, see on the disc model, you know, type a personality, you know, I relate.

I overs stressed everything you know, and I've not... I I think with maturity, I've recognized... That having that flexibility to live in that uncomfortable space and that that tension of being in between, that tension of... That not having all the answers, but that's okay. You know, is, I wish I could have done that younger.

Now truth be told. I think the only way you get there sometimes is with experience. So I'm not sure that I would have gotten it at they're younger, but that's what I would try to tell myself. Yeah. Well, Scott, this has been a tremendous conversation, and I just wanna thank you so much for your time today.

If, people wanna... Connect with you in some way, where can they find you online and also, where can they purchase your book? Absolutely. I'd be happy to share. So I...

Put together a landing page just for your listeners. So if you go over to my website, which is inspired stewardship dot com, actually slash christian leader for the podcast, you'll find a page there. I've got some free resources that folks. So if you're kind of struggling in 1 of these areas of time, money or talent, and you want just some free resources. There's a place there that they can follow me on social media, get the book find out more about my podcast, if you're interested in checking that out, and there's even a place they could book a quick call.

So if somebody finds themselves struggling, they've got some questions, And I just wanna have a 30 minute. This isn't a hard... This isn't for me to sell you anything. It's really just if there's any way I could help you out. You...

You're welcome to do that. And then you can find out everything else about me over there. So that's an inspired stewardship dot com slash christian leader. Awesome. Well, thank you for that, invitation to the listeners and we'll definitely put those links in the show notes for you.

So this this concludes our show today, and my name is Ryan Franklin. Thank you so much for joining us on the Christian later made simple podcast.

Copyright © 2024 Ryan Franklin. All rights reserved.


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