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How to Discover Your Life’s Purpose with Greg Hackathorn

In this episode, I sit down with Greg Hackathorn, a passionate church leader, podcaster, and church planter based in Sydney, Australia. Greg shares his journey from the Midwest of the United States to one of the world’s most vibrant cities, Sydney, Australia, where he now balances multiple roles. We dive into how he built The Hacka Podcast into a global success, his experiences in church planting, and his approach to church administration. Greg also offers valuable insights into discovering and pursuing your life’s purpose, along with practical steps to maximize your potential. Whether you’re seeking direction or looking to grow, this conversation is full of inspiration and actionable advice.

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You can't get too high. You can't get too low. You just gotta be steady if you're gonna be involved. Just work. Just have to...

It's kinda like podcast, and you just gotta be steady with it. That's right. It it really is. You know, you have a podcast episode that will go off. You, I call this is amazing.

This is gonna go from glory to Glory and then the next week it's like, oh, okay. Well, they didn't like that. They didn't like that topic. But Right. You.

If you maintain it over time. It will grow, and it's the same thing with Church planning. Welcome to the Christian leader made simple podcast. I really hope this episode helps you learn and master the skills you need to grow your leadership effectiveness and enjoyment. Be sure to hit the subscribe button to get notified.

As soon as I post a new session so you don't miss a single episode. I'd also greatly appreciate any reviews, likes and shares that you can give me. It just helps me extend my reach to more people. So leaders? I know just how frustrating it can feel when you're in the weeds of work or ministry and life is chaotic.

You're struggling to feel effective and you're just not enjoying leadership as much as you... Could be. And so to help you, after many years of leadership and executive coaching, I've developed a framework called the Christian leader blueprint that'll guide you to find clarity in your life and leadership. It'll help you gain a better rhythm of life It'll help you see yourself more clearly to leverage your strengths, and you'll produce more productive relationships. It's a step by step guide to leadership transformation.

And I have that in 2 formats now. I have a free short guide that you can find on Ryan franklin dot org, and I have a book, the Christian leader blueprint. And you can find that in any format, including an audiobook book. Wherever you buy your books. I have a few more things on my website that you may be interested in, so just head on over to ryan franklin dot org and check it all out.

And now, let's get to our session. On the show today, we have Greg Hack. You may know him as the host of a very popular podcast, the hacker of podcast. Greg has served in full time ministry at the Of Sydney and Sydney Australia for over 15 years. And he is the campus pastor of a new church plant on the central coast.

He's married to Stephanie and has 2 beautiful girls, Ava and Reagan with levi on the way. So Greg, welcome to the Christian later made simple podcast, it's so good to be on. It's absolutely blessing so many of our leadership team and and those who are aspiring leaders here at Pos. Listen to the podcast, shared it around, and I'm excited to be part of the conversation and And what we're doing here today through through your great show? Absolutely, Greg.

Well, I I appreciate you coming on, we we first met, well, I officially met you in June of this year when I came to Australia to do it. To do the leadership or retreat for the for the leaders. But I've, I've known you quite a while, I guess, from a distance through your podcast. I've listened to the heck of podcast for quite some time. It's tremendous tremendous podcast, and you've done...

You've done a really good job in producing a great podcast that really has grown significantly And I I looked it up, just yesterday on on listen notes, and it's actually the top, it's in the top 1.5 percent of all podcasts globally, which is pretty large. So what motivated you to start that podcast and and how did you grow it to be such a popular podcast? Well, I've I've always lost podcast? I've I've listened to podcast for years. I don't know how many years now.

And, a large variety of. I listened to, podcasts on running podcasts on leadership on history. Like, right now, I'm currently listening to, I don't know if you've heard the rest is... The rest is history podcast. But I've been listening to, like, a 9.

I've been listening to, like, a 9 part series on the French revolution. I'm not realizing, like, how much I didn't know about that. So I've I just love podcast podcasts, and Alright. Had thought about doing it. I had run a blog for a number of years.

And so I've enjoyed writing, but I was like, well, let's give this a go. So I started recording in, I believe it was, June of 20 21. I did my first few recordings, and I'd looked up, you know, how to launch it. You should have a couple 2 to 3 recorded before you start and so on. Yeah.

And, So I had recorded a couple. And then as fortunate to have it that I think it was like 2 weeks after I'd had started my first recordings. I hadn't launched yet, I had talked about launching it. I think A post on my page or whatever my Facebook page. In Instagram.

Hadn't officially launch yet, and then we went into a 4 month lockdown here in Sydney. And it was sort of like, the very beginning of it, it gave me an opportunity to to focus on it to get it started and you know, start off as a weekly show, and it's developed over time, but, you know, just have a passion for podcast. I saw that, I was inspired by the rest the restoration is by Adam Sc, he has a great podcast, and lost, you know? And I found value in it, and I thought, well, this is a great area where we administer to people during the week and give them an opportunity to not only be minister to, but be entertained by the conversation. You know, I'm not...

I'm not always praying while I'm listening to these conversations. Sometimes I'm driving, you know, doing work around the house, and it's just entertainment value that's clean, and I'm gonna learn from it as well. So that was kind of the the genesis of it, that's how I got into it. And then over time, it's just it's just grown into the thing, you know, the reason I called the hacker of podcast is, there's this podcast, x Navy seal Jo Will. He has a very popular podcast, and it's called the Jo puck cast, which is his nickname.

I was like, oh, That's like, that's a cool name, and it's really kinda based around his point of view. Like, the the subjects that he talks about things that are interesting to him. And I was like, well, I think I think this is what we're we knew It's gonna be apostolic, but we're gonna have conversations about things that that are interesting to me, whether it's media, whether it's spiritual warfare, whether it's leadership, finishes the conversation with my brother. I've I've done that. My wife about health, different things like that.

So and that people have commented It's like, it's such a wide variety of topics you cover. It's like, well, yeah, That's kind of the point. You know I I don't wanna be pigeon hold and and, I like people that have a bit of variety in the conversations that we have on the pod. That's that's... I think that's 1 reason why I really enjoy it is because it's such a wide range of topics.

Now I I have to... Admit Don't listen to every topic. But you do have a wide range. I mean, you may have... Disciples ship or you may have a a person's story.

You recently had a... I forget his name, but, Guy from Vietnam, and I happen to love Vietnam and enjoy that 1 very much. But just a a wide range of things that that really that I have personally connected to and have enjoyed the podcast for for a couple of years now. Yeah. There's there's 1 thing that I saw right at the beginning of, again, like I said, I listened to a lot of podcasts.

And I'd listened to this guy and he said, if you are able to record and produce 20 episodes. So if you get up to 20, that would give you a good gauge as to whether you should continue if there's gonna be any sort of leisure. And you also said that if you actually produce 20 of them, you're in the... You're automatically in the top 5 percent podcast because everyone quits. They...

We all have this idea we're we're excited about it, and then it's like, oh, well, I don't have the time or you run out of things to talk about. You think you you think you have everyone thinks it so easy tell the mic in your face and it's like, oh, I don't know if I still have something to say now that there's a microphone there. Yeah. It is tough. It it...

1 of the worst things about it for me is to hit record. A I hate hitting report. I just told you that before we hit record on this 1. It's... That is 1 of the worst things about it.

Then the second worst thing about it is is just the grind. I mean, You did it for weekend week out every single week for a long time for years, I switched to every other week, about a year and a half ago, almost 2 years ago now. And... But it is even every other week, is still a grind. It's amazing how quick those weeks come come by and you know, for sake of, the audience, I wanna stay consistent.

There's times where I where I may choose to postpone a session and not and not do it consistently. But as... For the most part, I try to be as consistent as possible, if my life can stay healthy with it as well. So I'm sure you did the same Yeah. I think that's important.

And yeah, We did a weekly episode for 3 years, and I was pretty proud of that. It took a lot of work, but at the beginning, as I mentioned, I'm in lockdown. That's quite easy to do 1 every week. At that point, I was, you know, an administrator at the church, church growing, but like, I wasn't... I didn't have so many tasks.

And over the last few years I've gained a few more responsibilities. And so, I think when you're, when you were with us in June, I've been thinking about it for a number of months about transitioning from 1 every week to 1 every 2 weeks. And just having a conversation with you was kinda like, okay. Yeah. I think when...

Take this leap and it's a challenge, you know, I'm a numbers guy, always have been, Doesn't matter if it's a podcast a Youtube channel, if it's church attendance. If it's giving, you know, I I love numbers. I've since I was a kid. And so it it's difficult to, see, the numbers change a little bit because of the a lack of frequency with the with the episodes. But as you said, you know, you gotta look after yourself and we'll probably, look at that about a little bit later in this conversation, but it's important to to...

In in what you're doing to main... Keep the main thing, the main thing, keep, know, what is the main priority in your life. This is a Yeah great opportunity for me to be a blessing to others. But it's not my highest priority. So...

Yeah. Look look at you throwing out T f any quotes. Keep the main thing Main the main thing. That's a phenomenal quote that I hear also so often, such a great quote. Well, before we move off the topic of podcast, I'm just curious as has there been any of maybe favorite or most impactful moments with hosting the podcast or any guest or topic that stands out?

There's been a few. When this question is asked to me. Obviously, the most impactful 1 was 1 by doctor Von Marshall when I had her on the podcast. She was visiting Australia, and interviewed her just for her a normal interview, like I did with you, a couple weeks ago where just get into the individual and different topics that they are, might be proficient in. And that went really well.

And towards the end of it, we had gotten into mental health a little bit? I had some questions about the brain, and I think it piqued her interest. You know, she's she's a very insightful lady, and and she's like, oh, did you wanna do it just a after after we... Press stop recordings. Like, did you just wanna do a full recording just on mental health.

So, I think that would be good. There's a lot of questions about it, You know, it was just on the back end of the lockdown downs. And so there's significant issues that people have been facing, And so we recorded that, and that 1 really changed the podcast. That that was our first episode that got quite big, and that brought in a lot of new listeners. So that 1 would definitely be a big 1.

For me you're. Some Instagram that had went viral with with some of that episode. Right? Yeah. So with that 1 yet, I normally put out a realtor 2, at the conclusion of each episode to promote it, because the goal get them to listen to the long form that Right.

The Instagram is there just to supplement the long form, because mh But anyway, I'd put out a couple and it hadn't really taken much root and then, like, maybe a month later, I think It was in the states actually, and I put out a real of her talking about... It was something to do with the brain and I can't quite remember exactly that 1. But it had over a million views. And, that just was crazy. Like I'd never experienced anything anything like that.

And since then, you know, we've had a number of R Viral, 1 of hers, in particular, in a later episode when were talking about forgiveness, almost everyone seen that and was over 4000000 views, and and then other people start sharing it, and they're getting heaps of views, and we've had, like, I've had people react to it, like, just people who create their own content. And so that was that was pretty amazing to see. But, yeah, She... She's she's awesome and she puts out amazing content. And I'm just privileged to capture it and share it with everybody else.

But for me, personally, 1 of the highlights, especially, given his passing this year was my view of Harold Hoffman. He was a huge blessing to our church here in Sydney for a number of years. To my family in particular, he's a wonderful man of God and, I'll always count that as, a true honor that I was able to sit down with him for an hour and just talked about, you know, his life and Yeah. You know, his passion for the word of God and study. And then I've had other ones with, like, you know, Raymond Wood who love that man and and you know, I've loved his preaching for for over a decade now and to just to be able to sit down with him for an hour and and talk about different things.

It's just, you know, so blessed. So hoping have another 1 with him in the future. Yeah. There... There's been a number of them.

Those, I guess, would be the ones that really stood out. Yeah. That's 1 of the things that is... That has been such a blessing with my podcast. Has been...

Just been able to sit down with people that I normally wouldn't. Have the opportunity to and just sit down have an hour conversation with them record and just dig into their lives a little bit, and it's... That's... That is the neat experience. So...

Yeah. 1 of the... 1 the court... Just before we move on, 1 of the cool things that I really want to do through my podcast and it's why I started the way I do is I like sharing their their life with people. Like, you know, we look up to these leaders, we look up to these great men and women of God.

And almost seems una unsustainable because we look on the platform or we look at the church that they started and and the ministries that they've had. And 1 of the way... 1 of the things I love being able to do on the on the podcast is to sort of get into their past. I remember. I'd I had a memory of brother the Wood word being a music director.

And so he's done so many podcasts. We had gotten into his backstory and he kinda... I'd heard him do a few. And he kinda went into his normal routine of sharing a little bit about his back. And then I threw the musician thing at him or worship leader, and he was he was so taken aback.

It was a great moment, and he he shared some, you know, funny stuff, about that in his past, but those are some cool things. I I got to talk to brother Gl about him being in a quart after bible school. He traveled and was in a traveling court. I knew that because I grew up in the kansas city area where he passed. I didn't know that.

Yeah. So, like, cool things like that that people don't really know about these individuals I love being able to share that. Yeah. Well, you have journey... From, you grew up in the Us, but you've journey to Sydney somehow some way, it's it's pretty interesting the story that that the little bit of the story that I've heard of of it, and we've personally talked about a little bit.

But can you share share the story of what drew you to settle down in Australia? Well, in in a word, Stephanie. So, basically, we went to bible school together. I went to back in the day when it was still Gateway, Gateway College J Evan. Missouri district boy.

Grew up in the Missouri district. And so went to Bible school there in Hazel wood. You know, before So you grew Were you born in Hazel and grew up in Hazel? No. I grew up in the Kansas City area.

So I grew Okay. Police pastor in the area. I went to a different church in Liberty, Missouri, but that's where I grew up. So I was, in the Missouri district, my whole upbringing. And went to Bible school there, obviously, because gateway was, at that point, it was run by the Missouri district.

They funded it and so on. And obviously, it's way better than Iv and Cl, so I'm I'm just kidding. Just getting controversial in. But steph just happened to go to school there. She she actually wanted to go to Id.

Hopefully, not know the alumni listening. But, brother Trim, who was a family friend pastor in the area in the saint area, and so her mom felt more comfortable with her moving country and going to school, in in the Saint Louis area, which is where Gateway was. And we met there started started dating and, 1 thing led to another felt, like, needed to come to short at least for a year to meet her family, the people who cared about her the port into her life, and, that was I moved Christmas Eve 2008. The plan was to be back in the Us, after we got married and got at other plans for us. And the doors really opened up in Australia as soon as as soon as we got here.

My pastor who you've been able to interview as well, brother the stan Harvey. He was the assistant pastor understand here. He is. Yeah. And I've been blessed to to be connected with him and be mentored by him.

But he was assistant pastor at that time an administrator, and I came in moved in to to sort of just help him. And in the meantime, within 6 months he was elected as senior pastor through the church. So the administrator role opened up here, and I transitioned into that role, and I've been doing that sort of expanded and so on, but for the last 15 years. Yeah. Well I wanna ask...

You about that, but I'll... But before we do that, I wanna ask you, is there anything about the Us, the states that you miss that maybe is a little different in Australia. You, I would say, yeah. There's quite a a number of things. The church culture in America because it's such so big.

Our church here. You know, we have a great church here, but it is a bit smaller. So it doesn't have the same sort. You don't have... You know, the big youth commissions and then the big youth Congress and, mh.

And the culture of going to out to eat after service, which, you know, grew up doing that. And here, everything's closed by the time we get out of evening service, will all end up going to Mac or Mcdonald's as Americans would call it. But yeah. I I think the church culture is probably the number 1 thing that that I miss. Yeah.

But, I mean, you know, we're developing that here. So Yeah, you guys have a tremendous group of ministers there. When I when I was there, 1 thing that I noticed that, you know, it's... It just felt like that the ministers in that leadership or retreat were just soaking up every word that I would say. They were very receptive to growth and, you know, just leaning in to developing themselves, and That that was a really encouraging time for me for sure.

Yeah. The australian leadership in the destroying Church in general are great listeners. Like, if you come here, and preach and you're used to the the colon response that you normally get. Sometimes you might feel a little bit defeated until you make the alter call, and then the altar full because they've been listening Yeah. Taking in what you're sharing know, here at, Pos, we have a bit more of a call response environment because of our, the nature of our pastors preaching.

But Yeah. For the most part in Australia, they're very good active listening. Listening to what you have to share. And also, you know, you have to remember that, we don't get that many guest because we are so far away. So whenever we do have guest ministry, we try and prioritize that, make sure that we're...

We're not wasting this opportunity to learn learn something new. Obviously, you can watch stuff online, but it's different if it's in person in the persons they with you. So back to your church administration role, what what led you to... Pursue that role. Was it just an opportunity that opened up or was there more to that?

You know, I I know that you're not just an admin kind of a guy. You... You're also very creative guys well. And so how does that sort of a... How does that roll this 2 part question?

Maybe too much of a question. I can repeat this if necessary, But how does that sort of how how how can you express your creative side and your logical side even in the midst of this church administrator role? Yeah. So the administrator role just sort of opened up, and it was an opportunity. To be involved in the kingdom, and I was, you know, 20 years old.

I still can't believe they they let me do it. You know, looking back Was, I don't know. Don't know if I would have, but you know, they they trusted me, and they gave me that opportunity And really, that's that's what it was. There's was an opportunity, and I wanted to be involved in the kingdom, doing whatever I could, you know, coming out of bible school, feeling it called a preach filling a call to see the kingdom grow. So that really was the impetus behind it, and then I've gain skills over time.

The the media stuff was something that I just saw as something that was important for church growth. Like, my focus is church growth. As the administrator, my pastor that's his focus as well. And so, you know, I fall in alignment with him. And if media is a way that we can grow the church and, I'll, I'll I wanna be into that.

I I joke that I'm not very creative. Every person who talks to me. Is like oh, no, You are a creative. Was like, no. I've seen creative.

They're they're, you know, they're out there... I'm more of AAP. And I think we actually had this conversation when you were here. Yeah. This is exact conversation But Yeah.

You were doing so many things, and And you were you were capable of doing so many things well from Yeah. Technical to teaching to, you know... Anything you were asked or needed to do. You did and did it well. Yeah.

My my pastor conversation with me when I was young and, and I also get this a bit from my mother, Gina Who's the assistant pastor. Here in Sydney, and she had a tremendous impact on my life. But, basically, my view is I'm here to serve. So whatever I can do to help. And, you know, if this is an area of weakness, I want to try and fill that void as best as I can.

You know, Yeah. The public doesn't open up to you straight away. And Yeah. And it shouldn't. You know, you should you should be able to provide value outside of the pulpit, especially if you're a young leader, young minister.

And so I kinda learn that stuff along the way. I'm still able to do that. At some point, we'll probably have younger people who are much better, more proficient, they're gonna make it look a lot better. But, you know, if if you're surrounded by people who don't know how to do those sorts of things. You know, and I have the willingness to learn, then it's incumbent me to go ahead and do that.

Absolutely. So, Greg, you're also planning a a daughter work, and it's... I don't know what the local city is... Central Coast, the local city or central Coast, the coast. Yeah.

So Central Coast is the region. The actual local city is go. It's... That's the main area, it's about a hundred and 70000 people. But there's a whole collection of towns.

No church. And there's a whole collection of towns that make up the Central Coast that's about 330000 people. So go the main hub, and that's really where our plant is located, but the intention is to try and reach the entire center coast. Yeah. So I wanna hear a little bit about your experience in church planning, What are some of the challenges you've faced and then maybe what are some of the rewarding things you've you've had along the way?

Well, yeah. Church planning is pretty much what every church planner tells you. It is. It's a lot of hard work. You know, you can try and approach a different ways.

Like, we... We used the method that North American emissions uses, which is called the launch method. Now it's a little bit different for us because we're a daughter church. So. We're not having to raise our own funds, which is a blessing, and we've got the the mother church behind us.

So yeah. That is a... That is a huge blessing. But, yeah. We we just felt there's never been an apostolic church in this region.

You know. That's strange. It's amazing to me, A hundred and 70000 people. In no apostolic church. Yeah.

I I think it just is... I don't know if it's forgotten, but it's about an hour outside of Sydney. You know, dr if you want to attend a church in Sydney. Know, there's a there... We have a church up on Northern Beaches, which is probably about 30 minutes away from where we planted.

So people could technically go to a church there, but But still a land drive. It's still a long drive, And, yeah, definitely. And, you for them. And you guys drive on the wrong side of the road too so that's makes it a bit longer. Makes a little bit harder.

But, like, there's there's natural geographic things that sort of keep people from wanting to come back down to Sydney from the Central Coast. And, you know, it's more relaxing up there. It's not the big city. So that's a a reason why there should be a a church plant up there. Just just for them.

And you know, yeah, the the church in Australia, we have a huge challenge because it isn't a big nation as far as population goes, is 26000000 people, and I think I'm not sure if pastor covered this when he was on your podcast. But like, crazy the amount a crazy amount of the percentage of the population are located in big cities. And so if you look in in the Us, the Upc in the Us, it's very difficult to grow churches in large cities. Just because of the way, you know, lifestyles affected, It's it's hard to create community because everyone's working different shifts and so on and so forth, the business of life. You don't see large churches in big cities even in the states even though there are lot churches in the states.

So that's a challenge for us to try and grow in a metro environment. And then from there, we reach out to the more rural areas. Now, I wouldn't necessarily say Gospel Center rule, but in the context of Sydney, it kind is. Right. Right.

And so... Yeah. Some the this is this is the union yang of, church planning or, you know, the funny thing is, I think it was, like, 3 weeks ago, some middle winter. We're having our service at 5PM. So winter in Australia, we're university versus Guys...

The summer in in the Us winter in Australia. Yeah. That's right. And, We had a service where I think there was a ladies camp going on, so a number of our normal people weren't able to come. We still had service, and this is like 2 3 weeks ago.

We had growth throughout the year, you know, averaging in the twenties. For the local area, which is this... This is our first year. This is... That's huge, especially in australia.

That's absolutely big. I mean, australia is very similar to Europe in in the way that they view religion, and that sort of thing. And so we we go up there, we have a core team from Pos that helps and they've been good. They've been amazing. But on this Sunday, it was just my family and 1 other young lady.

Who was there to help us from Sydney. And then a number of the people in Central coast were way sick or something was going on. We had 17 people, and I'm just like, man what is going on. And then the very next week, the very next week, while wife's away minister administering in new Zealand at a at a lady's camp. We're soft off service.

We get together at a music team, she's carrying our music department. Right? She's phenomenal. She's the music director at Pos, and then she. It does at Poc as well.

But, she's away. So I'm like, okay. Well, is gonna be a challenging week. Get there, and we had our highest number of attendees from the Region. The very next week.

We had over 30 for the first time. We'd never broken 30 from the Central Coast. So that's Church planning. Right? 1 week it's like, what are we doing?

The next week it's like, oh, wow. And most of the time you... There's no explanation for... No, It just happens. It just happens.

And you know this from your your your day's being involved in church planning. You know. Yeah. You can't get too high. You can't get too low.

You just gotta be steady if you're gonna be involved trish work. Just have to... It's kinda like podcast. And you just gotta be steady with it. That's right.

It it really is. You know, you have a podcast episode that will go off. You know, oh this amazing. This is gonna go from glory to Glory and then the next week it's, like, okay. Well, they didn't like that.

They didn't like that topic. But Right. Yeah. If you maintain it over time, it will grow, and it's the same thing with church planning. The same thing with anything really.

Yeah. Yeah. So before we continue on with the podcast, this episode is brought to you by Christian leader community coach. Are you a christian leader experiencing low productivity or chaotic lifestyle, and maybe you're overwhelmed and just unsure of what it's gonna take to create growth in your life, And so I wanna introduce to you our Christian leader community coaching program. Through our step by step framework, you're gonna discover a better rhythm of life, you'll see yourself more clearly, leverage your strengths.

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Don't wait any longer, go to ryan franklin dot org and join the christian leader community coaching today, and I look forward to seeing you inside the community now back to our podcast. Is there any particular points of of, you know, maybe a rewarding things that you have experienced along the way? I know you're only year into it, but what's been rewarding to you? There was a family. He's an avid Avid listener to my podcast.

They're also proud of it, you know, the people who were part of the church there, but Paolo, him and his family where Located. On the Central Coast that he had moved over from the Philippines. Originally wasn't sydney for a little bit and had to move move up there. It's an easy way of life, more affordable. Yeah.

And they hadn't been able to attend church, just because of where he lived and he heard about us through his cousins, who it's attended the church in Brisbane. And he just joined us on a on a wednesday night and he goes, I'm gonna be part of this chair. I'm I'm so excited. And he he hasn't missed since, you know, and That's that's a, an amazing story because, you know, where would his a face journey be, without Yeah. Us being able to start a work there.

And then, obviously, we've had a number of people baptized and born again? You know, and I could go through a list listing off people, but it's just so rewarding seeing lives changed and and seeing an area that it didn't have an opportunity, You know, when we first looked at planning, I was watching the launch conference that North American missions does. It's phenomenal. They make everything available for free online. Just incredible...

North American missions is incredible. Anyway. Yeah. They... I think it was both as trunk was preaching.

And he talked about he's planted number of churches, but he talked about 1 church in particular that he planted, and he said they were meeting in, like, the back room of a bank. And I think there was, like, 3 or 4 of them there. And there's a statement he made, he goes, he said, you know, we were very small, but the reality was is that if anyone in that area, wanted to hear the gospel. They wanted to hear the message, the apostolic message. They had an opportunity that night because we were there.

And that that's incredible for me. You know. It's like, anyone... That is incredible. Within 30 minutes of where we've planted.

On a Sunday at 5PM, they can come and hear the apostolic message, simply because we're there. Yeah. And there's individuals that will along the way as as you go even now, but along the way as you go, that will... Now have the opportunity to experience an apostolic church and to experience Christ in a way that they likely never have or would, had you not planted that church. So tremendous tremendous thing that you're doing there.

Hats off to you because I know how hard it is. Yeah. I know you do. And and thank you. Thank you for that.

And, you know... That's why you do it. Right? It's for the lives that had changed. And for the stories and Each person has their own story just last week, just a couple weeks ago, we had we able to ba baptized, a mother and a son, you know, we just celebrated 1 year from going weekly, weekly services last Sunday.

Yeah. 2 people receive the holy spirit for the first time. And so, like, stuff like this. This just really propel you forward because, you know... It it's hard work, but seeing the lives changed and impacted it's just incredible.

That is tremendous. So Greg, you're an administrator, you're a church planner, you're a podcast or. You're a family man with a kid on the way as well have 2 kids and a son on the way, balancing all of that has to be quite challenging for you. So how do you manage your time, make sure that you're, and make sure that you stay focused on the the most important things in your life. I think we touched on that a little bit.

I think, you know, coming to a point, where realize what you can do, what you can't do. 1 of the things that I've learned from my pastor, who is phenomenal at this is he's really good at del. He's really good at building the team around him. So, you know, I may be the 1 that has I'm wearing the hats, You know, I might be the person who's the leader per s, but I'm not doing it by myself. I've got other people that are are doing different things.

Like, just before this call start, I got a text message from 1 1 of the ministers who's helping out at Poc, and she was checking in on whether 1 of the ladies had a bible study. And if I'd be happy for her to go ahead and start 1. So it's, like, I don't have to be the 1 teaching every single Bible study. I don't have to be the 1 who Yeah. Doing every house visit, you know, I don't have to be across absolutely everything.

I have to learn to invest in other people And that's a that's something that you teach quite well within your blueprint is learning how to lead others learning how to delegate. And Yeah. That's something that I've had to learn something I've had to do is know that I can't. And and know, it's someone who has done all of the little tasks over the years, like, I pretty much... Build out a lot of the stuff that helps run Pinnacle of Sydney, and then seeing some of those things change.

I have to be willing to accept that because like, well, I... I can't be doing it all anymore. Somebody else has to do it. And somebody else has to have their input, Right? Like I I...

And they may do it a little different. Yeah. It and it may not feel like it's even as good sometimes. But you still have to release those things if you're gonna move on to to to different things. I wouldn't say better.

I would just say different. Yeah. Exactly. And especially, if you're if your responsibilities are increasing, you've gotta figure out a way that you can, release some of the things that that aren't as important the things that you don't necessarily have to do, and trust others to be able to do that. That's 1 of the main things.

Another thing is, my wife has done a good job of helping me, create boundaries in my life when it comes to family time when it comes to, you know, the evenings. III don't have my computer out hardly ever if the girls have come home from school spending time with them and giving them an opportunity to spend time with their dad before. I'm doing other ministry tasks or, at editing an episode or whatnot. So, you know, trying to make sure that I'm doing that after they go to bed, and then also keep bearing in line that my wife deserves my time as well. So I've got to make sure that I'm not doing that every single night to where our relationship is negatively impacted.

So keeping those things in mind, ensuring that you're not so singular driven by reaching souls, reaching souls at any cost that you're having a negative impact on your family. And then Yeah. What I briefly mentioned earlier, when realizing that the podcast was something that has been a blessing and we'll continue to be a blessing to people, but it's not my main priority. And so if I'm not doing an episode every single week, I've gotta be okay with that. I've gotta be okay with maybe the listeners leadership drops a little bit.

Am I gonna be okay with that? Well, if it means that I've got more time with my family. If it means that I'm able to prepare that message for Poc on Sunday, then I've gotta be okay with that. I've gotta understand, okay. This is the priority in my life, and these are the things I've gotta give my time to and and keeping those in the right order.

Yeah. And I asked that question specifically because, that's 1 thing I'd admire about you is that it seems as though you have your... Though you're so busy, and though you have your hands in a lot of really good ministry things. It seems that you have a a good balance of those priorities and that's that's a wonderful thing. So we've talked about your passions a little bit, and and I know that that maximizing potential with people and helping people, pursue their purpose.

That's very important to you even as you mentioned del and and putting people, putting people in places that they need to go to to be used in the kingdom. You've you've voiced your your passion for that. What does that look like in real life for you. How do you help others discover and live out their their god given potential? Well, I think it's in many different ways, like, you know, if it's within, the community we've built on the Century coast, so it'd be through teaching and and preaching reaching up there.

If it's here Pos. It's... Learning to delegate and involve people in kingdom work. Mh. Trying to continually communicate as I said earlier, that ministry is not just about a pulpit pit.

It's not even just about a bible that even though those those things are probably highly important, not probably, they are highly important. Bible studies are are huge. But, you know, there's other aspects of ministry that help the church go and finding your place, finding an area where you can serve that's something I really try to stress and I use the podcast to do that. You know, really try to get people on that understand that that that's the focus to give people an opportunity. And that's why I have people from all different types of ministry backgrounds, you know, got someone like doctor Marshall, who has been able to use a, her education to help people in different ways.

Sister Joe, you know, doctor Joe, where she's been able to administer and she's not even credential. I didn't I didn't know that. And, she's not in a credential minister, but yet, she helps thousands of people. People with a background in media, you know, trying to highlight these different areas where you can be of service where you can impact the pink... The kingdom in a way that goes far beyond you.

And 1 person I love to highlight. That's part of, Pos, and she I went to school. Her name's mai. She went to school for graphic design. Had attended our church for years.

And someone mentioned that to me. I... I've been struggling my way through creating designs and social media stuff, a Pos. Yeah. For years.

And someone highlighted to me this girl who's gone to school for it. And I was like, well, let's see if we can get her on board. So I started talking to her and had her doing, like, a post a week and then started doing, another post and then she had this idea of of doing testimony videos every week, sharing a testimony on the on the Pos Facebook page, and that could be, you know, someone holding a phone, it could be a testimony shared in service. But anyway, long story short, she now runs our social media. And, when she took over our Facebook page, the Pos Facebook page, it had about...

Think we had about 12000 followers, we have over a hundred and 20000 followers now because of My exactly. And it's because of her willingness to put her talent to work in the kingdom of God and her willingness to continue to grow and see areas that she can share the gospel. That's 1 young lady, and she's had such a tremendous impact impacted hundreds of thousands. We've had videos that have had millions of views, and they've honestly had a spiritual benefit to people. Now does that mean they all come to Pos?

No. But there is Yeah. A seed that's being planted. Right? And that's because she was willing to do it.

I love highlighting her story. So I think really just encouraging people, to see beyond what they're currently doing. And say, hey, this is this is something you can... This is an area You can be involved in now. You don't have to get a degree to to help out in this area and it's gonna make a a big impact in the kingdom if we focus in the right direction.

Well, you you may have already answered this next question with with what you just said. But, do you have anything to add for someone who may be struggling to find direction or purpose in their life. If they're really struggling with that, anything to add to help them? Yeah. Well, I think, obviously, you need to, you know, work on your spiritual disciplines and allow god to have more control of your life so of lead you and guide you But just look for areas of of need within the church.

You could maybe in a small church. There's plenty of areas need of need within a small church. You may be in a large church. In a large church gonna be areas of need where you can serve. Well, 1 thing, I that you that you said at the beginning of this podcast was that you you filled a need as an administrator in that church.

I'm sure along the way you filled a lot of needs, just because they were a need, and somebody had to do them. You didn't necessarily like everything you were doing, but you but you filled that need. And so I love that advice. That's that's tremendous. What what is the need?

And how can I? Put my gifting things in my time and energy into that need, lean into that. Even if it's even if it's energy draining or or, you know, even if you know that you're not gonna do it forever. Yeah. For sure.

And I I don't know many people that are called to be a camera operator or called to be, necessarily a photographer or called to be an usher. You know, I don't know many people that responded to the call of got to be usher. Right? Like, all the areas, I wasn't called to be an administrator. I was I was called are some out there.

There there are. Better. Yeah. Yeah. For sure.

For sure. But for many of us that sit on the sideline, trying to address the question that you had. People sitting on the sideline waiting for this purpose to just drop in their lap. You know, I I felt called to preach at the age of 16 called Bible School and planted a church at what, 34 was 34 years old. So That's a big that's a big gap.

Right? That's that's 18 years. And Right. What was I gonna do for those 18 years? Is just sit around and wait for god to call me to play the church?

Or... Yeah. You can use that time. To help the kingdom where you're at and learn things along the way. There's so many things that I've learned over the last 18 years that has helped help...

In this process will help you point that church. Yeah. Of course. So... Yeah.

Always being willing to to do what is needed, I think is it's very valuable. Yeah. Absolutely. So looking ahead for you and and your ministry, what are what are some of your future goals or your ministry, your podcast? How do you see those platforms sort of evolving in the future?

You know, I guess my goal is just to continue to do what I'm doing to help where I can to see the church grow. In Sydney, you know, that's 1 of my main focuses is, but also in Go on the Center Coast, I wanna continue to see lives impacted. And I wanna continue to see growth take place. And 1 of the things that I've had to really remind myself in this church planning phase is that growth looks different. You know, it doesn't necessarily have to be numerical growth it could be spiritual growth.

But Right. My passion is to see people grow. As I'm... As I continue to grow, I wanna see others grow and give them an opportunity for growth, so that's 1 of the main goals. And, of course, I'm able to do that through the podcast as well.

I don't have any sort of numerical goals anymore for the podcast. I'll continue to do it as long as I feel, you know, god that they you need to do it, but Yeah my main goal is just to continue to, inspire and encourage others through whatever platform I have, whether that's the podcast and people who have listened to my podcast. Will know that most of the encouraging most the inspiration isn't coming from me is coming from the guest that I have on, but I'm able to facilitate that interaction that that guest is able to have with that listener. I'm there to make that happen. Right?

And so, understanding, your role in life, understanding your purpose and what god asked for you. I think it is just it's so vital. In, having great life is is important, but The goal should should shouldn't necessarily be only numerical. You know, you need to have goals that are attainable and goals that will keep you keep you focused each and every day for growth. Yeah.

Well, Greg, as we begin to bring it to a close here and wrap up, curious, and, by the way, this is the line that you use on your podcast. So I'm gonna use it here. Normally, I'll ask a variety of questions, but what's what's the final word of advice that you'd like to leave with our listeners today. I think I stole that 1 originally from Adam. So I think he did it.

But I rephrase it. I called it a closing word. I I don't know if you called it. Thought I can't remember exactly how he phrase it, But I stole that from him, and then I've got my go to that I asked everybody, you know, what is it that drives you? That's that's a staple for my conversations.

But you know, a parting thought... I'll let I'll let that 1 slip slip 5, but we'll we'll stick with the final word of it by. Oh, 1 of my favorite versus is Romans 12 says I beseech you, therefore, Brethren By Mer. They you present your body's a living sacrifice. Holy acceptable God, which is your reasonable service.

That's what's reasonable for us. Right? That's not something that you're special because you're making yourself available. You're you're not Yeah. You're not, like, a unique child of God because I don't see myself that way.

I don't see myself as like, I guess unique the wrong word, but like, some... Something is una unsustainable. Of course, is clearly attainable. Right? All these men and women God that I've interviewed over the last 3 years or so, They didn't start out as angels.

But, they developed into... They didn't start out as a pastor of a thousand. They didn't start out as a missionary, but it was it was the gradual growth over time. It was the gradual change that they allowed God to take to take place in their life. That led them to the point where they're at.

And and that's so vital that we understand that as leaders as aspiring leaders that this isn't gonna happen in 1 moment. You're not gonna be so and so, and then the next day, your, preaching general conference. You know, there is going to be a gradual growth that takes place throughout your life and being willing to be that living sacrifice that every day you're waking up. This is 1 thing I like to share Poc where Our I pastor. It's like, we look at the will of God.

We look at the purpose of God as, like this overarching thing. And and that's important to have an overarching view of where God wants you and where God's leading you. But we should also look at it as what is the purpose in the will of God for me today. And if I respond the right way each and every day to that, over time, I'm gonna be able to fulfill that ultimate purpose that he has for me. Well, what's your reasonable service today?

What is it that you can do today that's gonna be an opportunity for you to share the love of god to share the gospel with someone to be an encouragement. And over time you're gonna get to where God wants you to go. But you gotta you gotta response to that every day. You know, someone who, like, Brother Barn bernard, he didn't get all the knowledge that he got, just by saying, I'm am answering the call of God, and then the next day, he knows he's all he thinks. No.

It's it was a gradual process over time, and he's continuing to do that. Right? So I think that would be my parting word for somebody that don't focus on just the will of God for your overall life. Yes, we need to try and ascertain that. We wanna have purpose, a purpose that drives our of life?

But we should also break it down to each and every day? Okay? What is my purpose for today? God what do you have for me? What is your will for me today.

I'm here. I'm a living sacrifice. I'm making myself available, not because, I'm a special Christian, but because this is what God says is reasonable. This is what he says I should do as a Christian. I love that, Greg.

Each and every day, we we need growth in our life. We're not gonna go from hero to 0 or 0 to hero overnight. It's gonna take a gradual day by day growth to move into what the Lord desires for our life ultimately. So, Greg, this has been a tremendous tremendous conversation. Thank you so much for giving us your time today, If people wanna connect with you online or they wanna listen to your podcast, the hack a podcast, where can they find you?

I know they can just Google the hack a podcast, but any any other direction that you'd wanna give people? Well, before I go into that, I just wanna thank you again, for this opportunity, Ryan. It's been a privilege of mine. I'm a listener to your to your show. And as I said, you know, our growth groups that we have here at Pos, you know, we we love to turn tune in to the conversations that you have And so very grateful to have this opportunity to speak to your audience.

If you guys wanna continue to follow me. Yeah. I would say just connect to the podcast. My personal page is boring. You know, I kinda learn much there.

You're just gonna see me sharing stuff about a Poc and maybe every once in a while, my kids, but that's pretty rare. So, yeah. Follow follow the pod, you can... You can find us anywhere. We're on Spotify.

We're on Apple Youtube as well. Youtube's is interesting because we post unique clips there that you're not gonna find in the other areas, so that might be a good place to to look as well. And then, obviously, on socials, we're all on Facebook, Instagram. We are on Tiktok, but rarely post. Yeah.

I've, I've got a love hate relationship with that app. So I know people are there and I wanna reach them, you know, not necessarily grow the podcast, but just administer to them, but then it's also... Big talks. But, yeah, we are there, and it's the hack pod. You can find it everywhere.

Okay. Awesome. Well I'll put some links in the show notes for everyone. And this concludes our show today. My name is Ryan Franklin.

Thank you so much for joining us on the Christian later made simple podcast.

Copyright © 2024 Ryan Franklin. All rights reserved.


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